Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sahaba R.A

The Sayings of Sahaba (Radiyallahu 'Anhum)


Saying of Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A

About greatness, Abu Bakr said:
   Run away from greatness and greatness will follow you.
   There is greatness in the fear of God, contentment in faith of God, and honour in humility.

Good actions
About good actions, Abu Bakr said:
   Good actions are a guard against the blows of adversity.
   Be good to others, that will protect you against evil.
   If you expect the blessings of God, be good to His people.
   Every day, nay every moment, try to do some good deed.

About death, he said:
   Have an earnestness for death and you will have life.
   Death is the easiest of all things after it, and the hardest of all things before it.


About knowledge, he said:
   The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah.
   Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.
   Knowledge is the life of the mind.
   When a noble man learns knowledge he becomes humble, [whereas] when an ignoble person gains knowledge, he [becomes]  conceited.
   When knowledge is limited - it leads to folly. [But] when knowledge exceeds a certain limit, it leads to exploitation.

In the matter of advice, he said:
   When you seek advice, do not withhold any facts from the person whose advice you seek.
   When you advise any person you should be guided by the fear of God.
   If anybody seeks your advice, offer right and sincere advice.
   He who is not impressed by sound advice, lacks faith.

About kindness he said:
   If you expect the blessings of God, [then] be kind to His people.
   He who aspires to paradise should learn to deal with  people with kindness.
   He who fears to weep, should learn to be kind to those who weep.

About self-control he said, "If you want to control other people, first control yourself."

Patience and confidence
With regard to patience and confidence, he said: "Patience is half [the] faith, and confidence is full faith."

Society of evil persons
About the society of evil persons he held, "Solitude is better than the society of evil persons."

About honesty he said, "The greatest truth is honesty, and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty."

Treatment of Muslims
About the treatment of Muslims he said, "Do not look down upon any Muslim, for even the most inferior believer is great in the eyes of God."

Help and co-operation
About help and co-operation, he said:
   God blesses him who helps his brother.
   Co-operate with one another, and do not bare grudges of jealousy.
  Muslims should live like brothers.
   God helps those who fear Him'.
   Allah will help him who moves in the way of Allah.

About "Jihad", he said:
   The people who abandon Jihad fall a victim to humility and degradation.
   Jihad is obligatory for the Muslims.
   To fight against the infidels is Jihad; but to fight against your evil self is greater Jihad.

With regard to intentions, he said, "Intentions count in your actions".

Sadaqah [charity]
In the matter of the offering of "Sadaqah" he said, "When you offer any Sadaqah to a beggar, do it with humility and respect, for what you are
offering is an offer to Allah".

With regard to mosques he said: "He who builds a mosque in the way of Allah, God will build a house for him in the paradise."

Way of life
About the way of life he said, "Follow the way of life, which the Holy Prophet has shown you, for verily that is the right path".

With regard to prayers, he said, "He who prays  five times a day is in the protection of God, and he who is protected by God cannot be harmed by anyone."

About neighbours, he said, "You should not quarrel with your neighbour, for he will remain where he is, but your high handedness will become the talk of the people".

Appearance of things
About the outward appearance of things he said:
   Maybe a thing that you do not like is really in your interest. It is possible that a thing that you may desire may be against your interest.

Love of God
About the love of God, and the love of the world, he said, "He who [has a taste for the] love of God can have no taste for the love of the world".

Becoming a Muslim
About becoming a Muslim, he said, "He who becomes a Muslim does so in his own interest".

About falsehood, he said "He who indulges in falsehood will find the paths of paradise shut to him".

About boasting, he said, "He who boasts lowers himself".

About pride he said, "Pride in the case of a rich man is bad, but but pride in the case of a poor man is worse".\

In the matter of elation, he said, "Do not get elated at any victory, for all such victory is subject to the will of God."

Avoidance of complaints
With regard to the avoidance of complaint he said, "He who avoids complaint invites happiness."

Attraction of the things of the world
About the attraction of the things of the  world, he said, "If an ignorant person is attracted by the things of the world, that is bad. But if a learned person is thus attracted, it is worse."
He also said, "O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out".


About justice, he said: "In the matter of justice, all should be equal in your eyes".

Deception and faithlessness
About deception and faithlessness he said, "Do not deceive or be faithless even with your enemy."

About the use of [a] measure he said, "Use the same measure for selling that you use for purchasing".

About Sin, he said:
(1) It is good to repent from sin; [but] it is better to avoid [it].
(2) It is bad for a young man to sin; but it is worse for an old man to sin.

About evil he said "Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives."

Dyeing [the] hair
In the case of hair dyeing he said, "Youth is not restored by the dyeing of your hair".

Early rising
About rising early, he said, "It is a matter of shame that in the morning the birds should be awake earlier than you."

About Piety he said: Piety is the most solid goodness, and the vilest of what is evil is vice.

Truth and falsehood
About truth and falsehood he said, "Truth is a trust, [whereas] falsehood [is] treason."

Vain desires
About vain desires, he said, "Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger."

The best
Abu Bakr prayed, "O Lord, render the best of my life [at] its close, the best of my deeds as the last, and the best of my days the day of Your meeting." "O God verily I ask of You that which may be the best for me in the end. O God vouchsafe that the last good that You bestow upon me, is Your

Deadly things
Abu Bakr said, "The most deadly of things are the two that are red, gold and saffron."

Reward of the believer
Abu Bakr said, "The true believer is rewarded in every thing, even in affliction."

Life of the world
About the life of the world, Abu Bakr said, "Our abode in this world is transitory, our life therein is but a loan, our breaths are numbered and our indolence is manifest. "

While condoling the death of a [fellow]companion, Abu Bakr said to the bereaved family: "There is no harm in patience, and no profit in lamentation. Death is easier to bear than [than] that which precedes it, and more severe than that which comes after it. Remember the death of the Apostle of God, and your sorrow will be lessened. "

Prayer for a dead man
When praying for a dead man. Abu Bakr said: "O God his people and his goods and his kindred have forsaken this servant of Yours. His sin was grievous, but You are Merciful and Compassionate."

Saying of Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A

He who keeps his own counsel keeps his affairs in his own hands." 

"Fear him whom you hate." 

"The wisest man is he who can account for his actions." 

"Do not put off today's work for tomorrow." 

"Money cannot help lifting its head." 

"What regresses never progresses." 

"He who does not know evil will fall into it." 

"When a man puts a question to me, I [can therefore] judge his intelligence." 

"Don't forget your own self while preaching to others." 

"The less of the world, the freer you live." 

"Avoidance of sin is lighter than the pain of remorse." 

"On every dishonest man there are two watchmen, his possessions and his way of living." 

"If patience and gratitude had been two she camels, it would have mattered little on which I rode." 

"May God have mercy on him who sends me my faults as a present." 

"Preserve the sayings of those people who are indifferent to the world. They say only that which God wishes them to say." 

"Fear God, for He alone lives.  All other things are liable to perish." 

"The wisest among you is he whose sustenance is the fear of God." 

"Praise God, for through praise, His blessings multiply." 

"Fear God for that is fortune; [whereas] indifference to God is misfortune." 

"Be patient because patience is a pillar of faith." 

"Acquire knowledge and teach it to the people" 

"Be dignified, honest and truthful." 

"Do not be an arrogant scholar, for scholarship cannot subsist with arrogance". 

"When you see that any scholar loves the world, then his scholarship is in doubt". 

"God forbid [that] men should be jealous of knowledge as they are jealous of women." 

"May God bless the man who says less and does more." 

"The criterion of action is that today's work should not be deferred until the following day." 

"Trust is that there should be no difference between what you do and say, and what you think." 

"Learn the Arabic language for it will sharpen your wisdom." 

"Luxury is an obstacle, and so is the fatness of the body." 

"A man may be as straight as an arrow, but even then he will have some critics." 

"O Allah, do not give me in excess lest I may be disobedient to You, and do not give me less lest I may forget You." 

"Allah loves moderation and hates extravagance and excess." 

"He who goes to the kings to seek favour has gone away from God." 

"Sit with those who love God for that enlightens the mind." 

"Before Allah ... that is the best dinner which people eat together." 

"As long as you are pure of heart, you speak the truth." 

"Pilgrims are the delegations of God." 

"If your ruler is just, then praise God; but if he is unjust, pray to God to rid you of him." 

"Allah is happy with such rulers whose slaves are under their control." 

"Forgive people so that God may forgive you." 

"For the people prefer that which you prefer for yourself. 

"That which you do not wish for yourself, do not impose on others." 

"In the eyes of God he is the best ruler who has secured prosperity and comfort for [his subjects}." 

"That ruler is most accursed whose misconduct leads to the distress of people." 

"Every ruler should keep his door open to people." 

"Understand the teachings of the Holy Quran for it is the source of knowledge." 

"Relate as few traditions as possible lest by being involved in traditions,  people overlook the Quran." 

"All the injunctions of Islam are based upon reason." 

"The way to express gratitude to God is to give Zakat out of the property that He has bestowed on you." 

"In my view, your greatest obligation is to offer prayers..  He  who fulfils this obligation with great regularity will be secure 
in his religion." 

"He who sleeps without offering the night prayer, may he never enjoy a sound  sleep." 

"Women should offer Zakat on their ornaments." 

"Blessed are those who are martyred in the way of Allab." 

"In the [propagation] of Islam, commit no excess." 

"Without consultation, the caliphate is unlawful." 

"The ruler whose intention is good, will have the help of God in the administration of his affairs. ]But]  he whose intention is bad will come to disgrace." 

"Do not accept gifts; [because] that is bribery." 

"The Judge should always uphold the principle of equality before [the] law." 

"May God curse the people who hesitate to dine with slaves." 

"Do not be misled by a person's prayers and fasting. [Instead]  look [at their] sincerity and wisdom." 

"Do not be misled by hearing of anyone's reputation." 

"He trusts in God who sows seeds in the ground, [and] then depends upon God." 

"Earning of livelihood by following some profession is better than living on charity." 

"He who has any public responsibility should perform his duties without caring [about] criticism." 

"He is to be preferred who has the urge to sin, [yet] does not sin." 

"Do not depend upon the morality of a person until you have seen him behave while in anger." 

"I am surprised at three things: 
1. [A] man runs from death while death is inevitable. 
2. One sees minor faults in others, yet overlooks his own major faults. 
3. When there is any defect to one's cattle he tries to cure it, but does not cure his own defects." 

"To flatter is to slaughter." 

"He, who pretends to be what he is not, is a hypocrite." 

"If a person has ten habits out of which nine are good and one bad, that bad one will destroy the good ones." 

"Do not overeat; that invites disease." 

"He who wins through fraud is not a winner." 

"He who wants paradise should hold fast to the community. " 

"The efficacy of a prayer depends not on the words but on the sincerity of intention." 

"In the narration of facts, refrain from poetising." 

"When you do not know of a thing say so plainly." 

"O I am not worried about the poverty of the Muslims. I am afraid lest by getting rich they might become proud and thereby invite destruction. " 

"In the performance of your duties, neither be over-zealous, nor indifferent." 

Saying of Hazrat Usman R.A

Hazrat Usman R.A said that four things were useless and these were:
   Knowledge without practice;
   Wealth without expenditure in the way of Allah;
   Piety for the sake of show prompted by worldliness;
   A .long life with no stock of good deeds.

Hazrat Usman R.A  said that he loved three things, namely:
   To feed the hungry;
   To clothe the naked;
   To read and teach the Holy Quran.
In his addresses, Uthman tried to inculcate in the people the fear of God. He said, "Fear God, for to Him you are to be gathered."
He always advised the Muslims to avoid quarrels and disputes, and maintain unity in their ranks. He said, "Do not quarrel, and do not create differences among yourselves. Hold fast to the rope of God, and maintain unity in your ranks".
He distinguished between the spiritual and the terrestrial worlds in the following terms: "The thought of the spiritual world sheds light on the soul, but the thought of the terrestrial world casts darkness thereon."

Hazrat Usman R.A  highlighted the virtues of patience in the following terms: "Under all circumstances, a person should be patient, otherwise disgrace would be his lot".

Hazrat Usman R.A  exhorted people to acquire two habits, namely:     the habit of speaking the truth;
   the habit of doing good deeds.

Hazrat Usman R.A  conceived of history as a means of acquiring wisdom. He said: "Acquire wisdom from the story of the dead".

Hazrat Usman R.A  condemned pride in the following terms: "The world is proud.  Leave it alone lest it entrap you by its guises and teach you pride, which will keep you away from God".

Uthman held the following four things as essential:
   To associate with the worthy is laudable, but to follow them is essential.
   To read the Holy Quran is virtuous, but to act according to its injunctions is essential.
   To visit the sick is meritorious, but to cause them to make their behests is essential,
   To visit the shrines of holy men is piety, but to be prepared for death is essential.

Hazrat Usman R.A  said that he was surprised at the conduct of a person:
   Who knows the world to be transient, [and still]  loves it;
   Who knows death to be certain, yet does not take it seriously;
   Who believes in hell, [but still] commits sin;
   Who believes in the existence of God, [but who nevertheless] seeks assistance from others,
   Who is aware of paradise, [but is nonetheless] engaged in worldly pleasures;
   Who knows Satan to be his enemy, [and still] obeys [the] dictates [of Satan].
   Who believes in predestination, [but still]  feels aggrieved with what happens;
   Who knows that accounts [are] to be rendered on the day of resurrectionb [but even so] hoards wealth.

Hazrat Usman R.A  said:
   When Muslims are disunited, they will falter in their faith and will become bereft of their inherent strength.
   O people, if I gave you all the world, that would not suffice as the price for your faith.
   You will not be conscious of the reality of faith till [the] love for God is held dearer than the passion to acquire wealth.
   The highest degree in faith is that you [will] always regard yourself in the presence of God.
A man of faith and piety is always subject to the following fears:
   the fear of God, lest by any disobedience there is any faltering in faith;
   the fear of the angels lest they may record anything against you which may be a cause of remorse for you on the day of resurrection;
   the fear of the Satan lest he may tempt you to any evil;
   the fear of the angel of death, lest your life is taken before you have sought pardon for you sins;
   the fear of the world, lest by its temptation it makes you oblivious of the next world; and
   the fear of family members lest by your attachment to them you become oblivious to your duty to God.

Hazrat Usman R.A  said, "One should not feel happy at the acquisition of wealth nor should be feel aggrieved at its loss".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said, "He who is fond of delicious food, let him bear in mind that ultimately he is to be food for worms".

Hazrat Usman R.A  laid down the criteria for justice in the following terms: "The dictates of justice demand that a proper equation should be maintained between the rights and obligations of the people. Whatever is their right should be conceded to them, and steps should be taken to ensure that whatever is their obligation is duly fulfilled."

Hazrat Usman R.A  condemned backbiting in the following terms: "A backbiter harms three persons, firstly himself, secondly the person whom he is addressing and thirdly the person whom he is backbiting".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "O people, do not be heedless of your obligations, for God is never heedless. If you are heedless of your obligations, Allah is aware of what you do. He is ever watchful".
About drinking, 
Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "Drinking is at the root of all evil"
[While] exhorting Muslims to good deeds, Uthman said: "See that during your lifetime you amass a number of good deeds, for after death it would not be possible for you to do any deed".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said, "He who takes the Book of God as his guide will remain safe from sin, and he will be counted [as being] 7among the best of men".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said, "No-one is to be held in contempt on account of poverty. Only he is to be held in contempt who is oblivious of his religious duties."

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "Allah has created people so as to establish the truth and do the right thing. Allah accepts only what is true and right. Therefore give to people what is their right and is due to them, and see that they perform whatever are their obligations to Islam".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "See that there is no tyranny against people ...  particularly the poor and the orphans. If they are aggrieved, bear in mind that Allah Himself will take up their cause".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "In the event of distress, a man depends solely upon his own plans and relies upon people. When he is disappointed from all sides, then alone he turn[s] to God."

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "On testing people, I have found some of them more poisonous than poisonous animals".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "Silence is the best cure of the malady of anger".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "Extravagance amounts to thanklessness to God for His gifts".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "That knowledge is of no avail which is not put into practice. There can be no practice without knowledge and  knowledge without putting it to practice is useless. That knowledge is blameworthy which is used solely to acquire wealth".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "It is painful to realize that while an animal recognizes its master, [some] human beings do not recognize their Lord".

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "He who is not put to any distress or difficulty for a year at a stretch let him realize that God is displeased with him."

Hazrat Usman R.A  said: "Obedience to Allah is that one should remain within bounds fixed by Allah;promises made should be fulfilled; [and that] one should be satisfied with what he has and should be patient in respect of what he does not have

Saying of Hazrat Ali R.A

  • Fear God and you will have no cause to fear anyone.
  • Resignation to the Will of God is the cure for the disease of the heart.
  • The Word of God is the medicine of the heart.
  • Lead such a life that when you die people will mourn you, and while you are alive they long for your company.
  • The days of your life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive.
  • Of all follies, the greatest is to love the world.
  • Opportunity is swift of flight, but slow to return.
  • The most happy is he to whom God has given a good wife.
  • He who knows himself knows God.
  • Do not sell your conscience for anything but heaven.
  • The disease of the heart is worse than the disease of the body.
  • To fight against one's desires is the greatest of all fights.
  • The strongest among you is he who subdues himself.
  • Wealth and greed are the roots of all evil.
  • Riches without faith are the greatest poverty.
  • A man's worth depends upon the nobility of his aspirations.
  • Knowledge enlivens the soul.
  • The learned lives although he dies.
  • The sum total of excellence is knowledge.
  • To respect the learned is to respect God.
  • Generosity hides shortcomings.
  • The wealth of a miser is as useless as a pebble.
  • Desire is one's most inveterate enemy.
  • Those who walk on the surface of the earth shall one day be interred in it.
  • Every breath of man brings him nearer to death.
  • People are asleep as long as they live. They are awakened when they die.
  • Patience is the fruit of faith.
  • Virtue never dies.
  • A man's glory from his virtue is greater than the glory of his pedigree.
  • No shelter is safer than piety.
  • A man's behaviour is the index of his mind.
  • Courtesy costs nothing but buys everything.
  • Clemency graces power.
  • Jealousy devours virtue as fire devours fuel.
  • He that lends a listening ear to reproach is one of those [who] deserves reproach.
  • Forgiveness is the crown of greatness.
  • Carnal appetites are nets spread by the devil.
  • Every arrow does not hit [its] mark, nor is every prayer granted.
  • Ostentatiousness spoils prayer.
  • Fear none but your sins.
  • He who praises you murders you.
  • A man who praises himself displays his deficiency of intellect.
  • Honour your parents and your sons will honour you.
  • A man is hidden under his tongue.
  • The tongue of a wise man lies behind his heart.
  • The tongue pierces deeper than [a] spear.
  • He who purifies his heart from doubt is a believer.
  • The opinion of a wise man is [like] an oracle.
  • To seek council is to go to the fountain of guidance.
  • Association with a fool is tyranny to the soul.
  • God hastens the fall of tyrants.
  • Tyranny leads to moral cowardice.
  • A tyrant's success is his moral defeat.
  • It is better to die than to beg.
  • When a man begs, he loses his faith.
  • Hajj is the jihad of every believer in faith.
  • A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
  • Silence is the best reply to a fool.
  • The best speech is one that is short and reasonable.
  • Speech is like a medicine, a small dose will cure but an excess will kill.
  • He that has no courage has no religion.
  • His grief is long whose hope is short.
  • The right of freedom of speech consists in speaking the truth.
  • Repentance washes away sin.
  • Folly is an incurable disease.
  • To assist the wrong is to oppress the right.
  • Sinning is a disease, repentance is its medicine, and abstinence from it is a sure cure.
  • Sorrow makes a man old before his time.
  • Pride impedes progress and mars greatness.
  • To forgive is the crown of greatness.
  • He who understands humanity seeks solitude.
  • Right is the best argument.
  • Misrepresentation spoils narration.
  • As a man's wisdom increases so his desire to speak decreases.
  • He who seeks to do justice with men, let him desire for them what he desires for himself.
  • The greatest sin is the sin which the sinner considers to be ordinary.
  • Contentment is an asset which is never exhausted.
  • Governments are a trial for man.
  • He who fights against the truth, the truth will defeat him.
  • Finding fault with others is one's greatest fault.
  • Haste is a [kind] of madness.
  • Greed is perpetual enslavement.
  • He who does not know his own worth, is doomed to destruction.
  • The best investment is one with which duties are performed.
  • Anger is a fire kindled, he who restrains anger extinguishes the fire; he who gives vent to it is the first to be consumed by it.
  • Jihad is the highway of prosperity.
  • None is more solitary than a miser.
  • Knowledge is the ornament of the rich and the riches of the poor.
  • Knowledge is the sum total of excellence; he who teaches you a letter binds you with a fetter of gratitude.
  • As long as we do not hope we do not fret.
  • He who indulges in jokes and loose talk loses a part of his wisdom.
  • Truth [may be] bitter, but it's a result is sweet; falsehood appears to be sweet but it is poisonous in its effect.
  • Miserliness is the root of many evils.
  • Knowledge and practice are twins, and both go together for there is no knowledge without practice, and no practice without knowledge.
  • He who dissembles, plays with his honour.
  • When God wants to humiliate a person, He deprives him of knowledge.
  • When your power increases, decrease your desires accordingly.
  • He who listens to a backbiter loses a friend.
  • It is not justice to decide a case on mere conjecture.
  • He who does not know his own worth is shameful.
  • He who practices thrift will never be in want.
  • He who does not know should not be ashamed to learn.
  • Patience is to faith what the head is to the body. When patience goes, faith goes [and] when the head goes, the body goes.
  • The grace of God is the best guide.
  • A good disposition is the best companion.
  • Wisdom is the best friend.
  • Good breeding is the best inheritance.
  • There is nothing more hateful than pride.
  • Be among men like a bee among birds.
  • Mix with the people with your tongue, but be separate from them in your deeds.
  • Be generous, but do not be a spendthrift.
  • Do not run after the world, let the world to run after you.
  • A wise man is he who does not despair of the bounty and mercy of God.
  • He who is aware of his own faults is oblivious to the faults of others.
  • What the eye sees the heart preserves.
  • The vision of the eye is limited; the vision of the heart transcends all barriers of time and space.
  • Do not be misled by appearances for these are apt to be deceptive.
  • Do not have too many irons in the fire; concentrate on one thing at a time.
  • What you do not like for yourself, do not like it for others either.
  • Contentment is the treasure which is never exhausted.
  • The advice of old men is dearer than the bravery of young men.
  • That knowledge is superficial which is merely on the tongue; that knowledge is real which demonstrates itself in your practice.
  • To waste time is one's greatest loss.
  • He who knows to keep his secret, knows the way to success.
  • Foresight is the way to safety.
  • No relationship is stronger than the relationship that exists between man and God.
  • Enlighten the heart with prayers.
  • Strengthen your heart with faith.
  • Suppress all lust with piety.
  • Do not sell the Hereafter for the world.
  • Do not speak in a state of ignorance.
  • Refrain from unnecessary talk.
  • Do not tread the path from which you can apprehend the danger of running astray.
  • In the affairs of God, do not be afraid of the accusations of evil mongers.
  • In all that you do, seek the protection of God.
  • Do not covet what is undesirable.
  • If you seek the truth, neither stray from the right path nor be assailed by doubts.
  • Do not become a slave to your desire.
  • That wealth is no wealth which brings dishonour.
  • Whatever harm accrues of silence can be remedied. But whatever harm is done because of speech cannot be remedied.
  • It is better to restrain your desires than to stretch your hand before others.
  • A little that is burned because of honest labour is better than a larger amount gained through dishonest means.
  • Guard well your secret.
  • He who seeks more than what is necessary indulges in error.
  • To oppress the weak is the worst tyranny.
  • Do not bank on false hope, for that is the capital of the dead.
  • A wise man takes a lesson even from a minor lapse.
  • Overpower desire and suspicion by patience and faith.
  • He who does not take the middle course strays.
  • A stranger is he who has no friends.
  • When hopes are frustrated despair becomes the way of life.
  • He who trusts the world the world betrays him.

The Sayings of Sahaba (Radiyallahu 'Anhum)

                                                                  Hazrat Usman R.A
                                                         Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A
                                                                    Hazrat Ali R.A
                                                                    Hazrat Ali R.A
                                                         Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A
                                                         Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A
                                                                  Hazrat Usman R.A
                                                         Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A
                                                                    Hazrat Ali R.A
                                                         Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A
                                                                      Hazrat Usman R.A
                                                                    Hazrat Ali R.A
                                                         Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A
                                                                      Hazrat Usman R.A
                                                         Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A
                                                                     Hazrat Ali R.A